A famous scientist once said “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”. This implies that when God is at work oftentimes it is not for bare eyes to see, but only by those who understand by faith. Today’s Miracle Day is presented by God’s servants in the Marketplace from various industries and professions, including: Berty Tjahyarini (Banking Industry), Agnes T. Manihuruk (Digital Marketing Agency Industry), Yusuf Farid (Automotive Industry), Jerry Watulangkouw (Financial Industry) and Ester Tionar Meintan (Electrical Equipment Industry).
God works at all things to bring the best
Berty Tjahyarini conveys we are always subjected to face the unknown situations ahead that we cannot always anticipate. The pandemic of Corona virus is a perfect example of the current situations that even the whole world would not had expected. This unanticipated calamity had caused devastation in the economy worldwide: businesses crushed, unemployment skyrockets and people simply strive to survive through the period of time that cannot be predicted.
Nevertheless, the word of God from Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”. In the midst of difficult conditions with of all the pressures or demands that we face, God is at work to bring nothing but goodness. He knows our timid capacity and that apart from Him we can do none. God always has His heart for His people for He knows what is best for us.
God’s plan for salvation
Above and beyond, the primary goal of God’s goodness is our salvation from the wages of the sins that has abounded us. It is a life in God that simply full of peace and joy as He planned. God provides a future life filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The future that God provides is not only when we are here on earth but an everlasting future with Him in eternity.
Agnes T. Manihuruk continues by leading the congregation with a prayer of salvation, to be reborn in Christ. His love for us is indisputable for He had willing to die on the cross, taking our position in order for us to receive everlasting life (John 3:16). An invitation was also given to those who want to respond to the calling of God to be His witness.
Entrusting our struggles and illnesses to Jesus
Yusuf Farid continues God’s Word from Mark 7: 24-30 (KJV) regarding the believing Syrophenician woman. A Greek woman from the Syrophenician nation who came to Jesus and begged Jesus to cast a demon from her son. But even though it seemed that the Lord Jesus ignored her, she continued to plead Him. Seeing the faith of this Syrophenician woman, Jesus performed a miracle, saying, ‘Go now, because the devil has come out of your son as you plead. When we entrust all our struggles and illnesses to God, He will work miracles. When we have faith, our faith will activate God’s compassion and power.
Jerry Watulangkouw proceeds the service by praying for sick, bringing to mind for the congregation that by the wounds of Jesus, we are healed as written in Isaiah 53:5. As this live stream was occurring, we are receiving prayer requests through our call center and many come to Jesus Christ and receive healing
As believers of Christ we ought to pray without ceasing, especially in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic that is still occurring. The service continued with prayer of intercession lead by by Agnes T. Manihuruk and Jerry Watulangkouw, for the well being of Indonesia, for the government, economic stability and the health for all the citizens, particularly the infected.
Concluding the service, the congregation was encouraged to be a blessing for their local Christian office fellowship and to comply with government regulation in effort to put an end for this pandemic, and as well a closing prayer brought by Ester Tionar Meintan. We bring all praise and glory to Jesus Christ who had saved and healed many lives today. Amen.