In the “Healing Ministry” we believe that every believer –not only who has the gift- can laying hand to the sick, and they shall recover. According to Mark 16: 17-18 And these signs shall follow them that believe… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
We conduct divine healing service regularly, which is called as Kebaktian Pujian dan Penyembuhan Ilahi (KPPI) in English is Praise and Divine Healing Services. It is held regularly once a month, and it has being commenced since February 1993 up to now. People who come to this service, mostly are the poor, from all over Jakarta to get miracle of salvation and healing from our never changing Lord Jesus Christ. And since 2005, this KPPI event was also being conducted in the outside of Jakarta with networking to other local churches. To our church partners we share a short course in prior that is called “Healing Ministry Course – HMC”.
Beside Praise and Divine Healing Services, we also hold Kebaktian Kebangunan Rohani (KKR) in English is Revival Service of Divine Healing and Kebaktian Penyegaran Iman (KPI) in English is Faith Renewal Service, which are held in collaboration with interdenominational churches throughout Indonesia.